Publish API using AWS API Gateway

4 min readDec 14, 2021


Setup network load balancer and publish rest-api via API gateway


  1. Create internal network load balancer (NLB) service on kubernetes
  2. Add VPC link with NLB endpoint
  3. Configure AWS certificate manager
  4. Create API Gateway with VPC link endpoint
  5. Create custom domain names & map API
  6. Add DNS record for API Gateway
  7. Verify/Test API

Create internal network load balancer service on k8s

K8s will auto create a network load balancer associate with the service

EC2 / Load Balancers

Add VPC link with NLB endpoint

API Gateway / VPC links / Create

Choose a VPC link version: VPC link for REST APIs 
Name: ${VPC link name}
Target NLB: ${select existing NLB id}

Example: rest-api-vpc-link (xfn24u)

Configure AWS certificate manager

AWS Certificate Manager / Certificates Import / certificate / import

# Input certificate details
Certificate body ${.crt}
Certificate private key ${.key}
Certificate chain ${CA.crt}

This depends on your setting

Create API Gateway with VPC link endpoint

To create new API: API Gateway / APIs / Create API / REST API / Build

# Choose the protocol: REST
# Create new API: New API
# Setting
API name: ${api_name}
Description: ${description}
Endpoint Type: Regional
# Create API

Config API resource: API Gateway / APIs / ${api_name} / Resources / Action: Create Resource

select the Configure as proxy resource option to create a proxy resource

Configure as proxy resource: yes
Resource Name: '{proxy+}'
Resource Path: '/{proxy+}'
Enable API Gateway CORS: yes

Config API method: API Gateway / APIs / ${api_name} / Resources / Action : Create Method / choose ANY

Deployment stage: [New Stage]
Stage name*: ${STAGE_NAME} # example: dev
Stage description: ${DESCRIPTION}
Deployment description: ${DESCRIPTION}

Set variables for dev API Deployment: API Gateway / APIs / ${api_name} / Stages / ${STAGE_NAME} / Stage Variables

# define the VPCLINK and VPCNLB stage variable
VPCLINK: ${VPC_link_id}

Change Setting to disable Default Enpoint: API Gateway / APIs / ${api_name} / Stages / ${stage_name} / Settings

Default Endpoint: select Disabled

Create custom domain names & map API

To create custom domain name: API Gateway / Custom domain names / Create

Domain name:
TLS 1.2 (recommended): yes
Endpoint type: Regional
ACM certificate: Choose from dropdown list
Custom domain names

To add API mappings: API Gateway / Custom domain names / ${domain_name} / API mappings / Configure API mappings

API: rest-api-dev (REST)
Stage: dev

You need to save API Gateway domain name for add DNS record later

Add DNS record for API Gateway

Route 53 / Hosted zones / / Create record

Record name: dev-api
Record type: CNAME
Value: ${API Gateway domain name}

Verify/Test API

Try to access


By using Gateway API, you could integrate authenticate steps further. And save time when publish current private API with TLS/SSL.





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